Registration is Closed

We have room for a limited number of people, 70 persons this year. Registration is closed.

For  practical matters regarding the summer school, please contact Susan Nasirumbi Ipsen (suntonn [@]

Registration is closed


The price for participating in the summer school is DKK 4000 (app. EUR 540). This includes accommodation, food, bus travel from Copenhagen and back, plus great social activities the whole week. Payment is done by wire transfer to the following account:

When payments are made please send mail to:

National money transfers

Danske Bank
Registration number: 0216
Account number: 4069044336
The payment should be marked: Langeland, your full name

Remember your full name with the payment

Note: Participants from DTU and DIKU will pay by invoice. Please ask Susan Nasirumbi Ipsen [suntonn @] for further information.

International money transfers

Payment in (DKK) Danish Kroner to:
IBAN: DK73 0216 4069 0443 36
Address: Danske Bank, Holmens Kanal 2
DK-1090 København K
The payment should be marked: Langeland, your full name

Remember your full name with the payment